So how does Invisalign Teen work? Invisalign Teen works in the same way as Invisalign, but with a few added characteristics tailored specifically to teenagers’ lifestyles. For instance, Invisalign Teen is designed with “compliance indicators” that fade from dark to light during the two week period that particular tray is used and once it has faded teens know to change trays. Each aligner comes with up to six free individual replacement aligners in case the original aligner ends up lost or broken. Another big benefit for the patient!
As an orthodontist, one of the greatest concerns about Invisalign for teens was that many teens began treatment when they were much younger and many of their permanent teeth had not erupted. With Invisalign Teen this is no longer a concern! If permanent teeth are still on their way in, orthodontists can order special aligners with specially designed tabs that allow permanent teeth to erupt without disrupting the progress of the other teeth, but still come in straight.
For many teens, Invisalign Teen offers a trouble-free, clear alternative to traditional braces; and not only that, but it offers them the chance to have straight teeth without losing self-confidence! If you or your teen is considering orthodontic treatment, please contact us and we’ll answer any questions you may have about Invisalign Teen – the invisible braces that can make even teens smile about orthodontics!